In 1835 David was the principal speaker at a meeting held in Carrick-on-Suir for promoting the River Suir Navigation Company which obtained Parliamentary sanction the following year.
Udayakumar responded to the charge by saying that he was "contemplating suing the Minister after obtaining formal sanction".
Hence the Navy decided to obtain sanction for a new permanent Naval Academy to cope with increasing training load.
Verdon also floated a loan for public works, and obtained sanction for the establishment of a branch of the Royal Mint at Melbourne.
His son Wu Yuanji initially did not announce his death and tried to obtain imperial sanction to succeed him.
The vast majority of people who go to "fortunetellers" have nothing else in mind but the wish to obtain supernatural sanction for their follies.
Dunkelman's defiance of the evacuation order forced Laskov to attempt to obtain sanction from a higher level.
After some modifications, Cutbush's plan obtained Parliamentary sanction in 1824, and the Kensington Canal Company was incorporated in that year.
In 1317 the commune tried and failed to obtain official ecclesiastical sanction for his cult.
In January 1819, he obtained sanction for building public offices for the transaction of revenue and judicial business.