The Chinese officials at this point became suspicious and told Charles that he could no longer use their phones.
It also illustrates just how concerned officials have become about the nation's preparedness for a bioterrorism attack.
I think the officials are becoming too involved in the outcome of the games.
But in the last few years, officials have gradually become more open about the subject.
But now, with more health plans joining the exodus, officials have become more worried.
What is more, officials in the department have become more, not less, involved in the affairs of companies.
In fact, he created so much pressure that officials became irritated and decided to apply one of their laws against him.
But they said Russian officials had become more forthcoming in recent weeks.
By the early 1990s party officials and high military officials were becoming increasingly alarmed at the military's commercial involvement for a number of reasons.
But increasingly, other senior officials were becoming worried that she might be setting too high a standard for success before committing herself to a trip.