The officials and reporters gathered in the reception room in his official residence appeared to hold their breath as he spoke, and there was not a rustle of reaction.
But for the officials gathered here, the trucks represented much more than a road test.
After hanging up, he repeated the suggestion to officials gathered in his office.
"I'm doing this very happily indeed because I believe it is the wish of the people to go multiparty again," he told officials gathered on the lawn of his official residence.
Many officials and scholars gathered around the two centers of power and each group developed into separate political factions.
As officials gathered for an early morning meeting in the State Department, they considered whether Iran was making a false claim to cover up an F-14 attack.
The issue of corporate abuse and its potential effect on the coming elections was a refrain among officials gathered here today at the National Governors Association.
As word of the project's demise spread yesterday afternoon, about 40 elected officials and residents gathered at the corner of 20th Avenue and Whitestone Expressway for a victory rally.
Mr. Pitofsky asked hundreds of officials and friends gathered for the occasion.
The suggestion of a political motivation angered Republican officials gathered in Houston for the convention.