Phaethon said, "If the Hortators have not officially decreed their boycott of me in effect as yet, can you give me an indication of which efforts, merchant combines, or services will still accept my patronage?"
When her bid for a pension became known, the Alabama Senate officially decreed it "a true joy" to recognize her as "the last surviving widow of a Confederate veteran," and in August Dr. Chancey brought her to Richmond for the centennial meeting of the Sons of Confederate Veterans.
In interior policy, Haidallah sought to improve relations between White Moors and Black Moors, among other things officially decreeing the ban of slavery for the first time in the country's history, but he neither tried nor achieved a radical break with the sectarian and discriminating policies of previous regimes.
In 741, the Umayyads officially decreed that non-Muslims be excluded from governmental positions.
The South Korean Government officially decreed 55 troubled companies nonviable today, signaling their likely demise in hopes of accelerating the revamping of the economy and ailing financial system.
The Chianti formula, for example, was an officially decreed mixture of sangiovese and canaiolo red grapes, plus 10 to 30 percent trebbiano and malvasia white grapes.
In response to international pressure, selection for resettlement of the residual population was extended again in 1988, after which Thai authorities officially decreed that all remaining refugees would be transferred to the border for repatriation to Cambodia.
As Atom and Levana contemplate the possibility of a happier future, the back wall of their house explodes to reveal a goggled guard in military uniform, energetically redrawing the officially decreed border between the two countries.
Today he officially decreed an end to the emergency.
Since 1997, one year after the government officially decreed voodoo a religion (one practised by around 60% of Benin's 7.4 million residents), thousands of believers have flocked to Ouidah, the historic centre of voodoo worship, to receive blessings from the city's voodoo chief.