Brazil's stock market recorded its biggest one-day drop since the September 11, 2001 attacks.
It was the biggest one-day drop in the three-month bill rate since the summer of 1992.
"But a one-day drop like yesterday, I figure that goes with the territory."
Oil prices fell 10 percent more yesterday, the day after the biggest one-day drop in the market's history.
The stock plummeted 12.5 percent on Tuesday, its biggest one-day drop in almost seven years.
Markets Oil prices fell 10 percent more, the day after the biggest one-day drop ever.
Both had their biggest one-day drop in almost six months.
The stock plunged 18 percent - its largest one-day drop since the company became public more than a decade ago.
That was one of the steepest one-day drops in recent weeks.
It was the biggest one-day drop in a decade.