Campaign finance reformers obviously think so, while their opponents counter that money is the mother's milk of politics.
Against good players, it may be the worst option because the opponent will counter with a loop, putting the first player in a defensive position.
Mr. James's opponents, who share his support for returning prayer to the public schools, counter that the race is not about beliefs.
Opponents of the measure countered that the bill would go much further than the American people would countenance.
Opponents countered that passage of the bill would have given strikers excessive power in difficult negotiations.
Opponents counter that it would compromise American security.
Opponents of the doctrine have countered with the argument that it undermines justification by faith.
But while the lawyers say they are zeroing in on another potentially lethal substance, their opponents counter that there is no medical crisis.
Opponents counter that the law is aimed at the Latino community in poor neighborhoods while town officials look the other way in more affluent areas.
His opponents counter that he lives in the South Bronx and is suspected of being a carpetbagger.