She is, however, an oppressed woman, having "spoke no word" throughout the story.
In the face of intimidation, threats and even physical violence she has been a voice for the oppressed women and children.
But then he does chronicle the oppressed woman so one can assume he sympathises.
Angry and oppressed women would use this method as an act of revenge.
It deals with the plight of an oppressed young woman in India.
The book narrates the story of oppressed Kazakh women.
This strong exploration of feminism is perhaps what makes the novel a strong voice for the oppressed woman in Africa.
Let us look for other ways of improving the position of oppressed women.
In many of his books, Mr. Mahfouz shows a special feeling for oppressed women.
"I wanted to prove how oppressed women are in Islam and that they have no rights," said Halabjaee.