The helmsman swung the wheel before my order had even reached him.
Production and new orders reached their highest levels since July.
At least one order had reached this, the suspension room, with enough power to produce a result.
The order apparently either never reached the actual killers, or came after it was too late.
For this year, total orders have reached $2.4 billion, 86.5 percent higher than in the comparable period of 1987.
In Taiwan, the order before the album release had reached 50,000.
This order, however, reached the troops only in the morning and the units were not able to execute it.
The ship's communication system was out of service, and so the order to abandon ship did not reach the entire crew.
Analysts predict that orders will reach $21.3 billion by the end of 1995.
The order reached the operations coordinator, who turned towards his panel.