The school also hosts its own PRIDE team, which organizes cleanups of the school's campus by its students.
During her tenure, she has not only organized cleanups and seen a few romances blossom, but has also been called upon to enforce rules and mediate heated disputes.
This changed in the 1970s, when local environmental groups organized regular cleanups of the waterfront, removing trash from the lakeshore.
Many off-roaders say that the obnoxious behavior had overshadowed efforts by off-road clubs to organize cleanups of popular trails and teach their members techniques - moving fallen trees off the trails instead of driving around them, for instance - to minimize ecological impact.
There is a lot of trash and graffiti in the area, and there are organized cleanups to try to preserve the natural landscape of Stoney Point.
In Houston, it turns out, community policing has meant the creation of teams of neighborhood-based police officers who sponsor athletic events, organize cleanups, refer troubled youths to self-help programs, distribute newsletters, attend community meetings and go from door to door asking residents to identify chronic local annoyances.
Over the summer, it organized cleanups in parks and playgrounds, and members started walking around with paint spray cans in their briefcases to wipe out graffiti as soon as it appears.
The city of San Pablo has organized cleanups, as has the Friends of Orinda Creeks.
They may organise litter collections or "best kept village" cleanups.