The output y(n) can be computed in terms of the input u(n) and the previous output.
Local methods involve taking the partial derivative of the output Y with respect to an input factor X:
A function will calculate some output y, given some input x .
The output y of this transfer function is binary, depending on whether the input meets a specified threshold, θ.
The output y of a linear time invariant system is determined by convolving its input signal x with its impulse response b.
For instance, p* is the price level p when output y is at its corresponding optimal level of y*.
We can divide expenditure on an open economy's output Y into four components:
For an ideal constant parameter linear system with a single input x(t) and single output y(t), the coherence will be equal to one.
If the equilibrium rate of output Y e should be less than Y O, then DD unemployment would exist.
The output Y of Prim's algorithm is a tree, because the edge and vertex added to tree Y are connected.