The Bank of Cattaraugus, New York State's smallest bank by asset size, plays an outsize role in a village of 950.
Lubavitch is insignificant in terms of the global Jewish population, accounting for just a couple hundred thousand people, but it plays an outsize role in worldwide Jewish life.
Kibbutzim also continued to play an outsize role in Israel's defence apparatus.
The former monopoly, whose huge mansion headquarters are across the street from the presidential compound in Taipei, has played an outsize role in Taiwan history.
Although housing and a credit freeze caused the current collapse, manufacturing has played an outsize role in past recoveries, with the auto industry contributing significantly to the growth.
The supposed second North Vietnamese attack, on the American destroyers Maddox and C. Turner Joy, played an outsize role in history.
The women's big forms exude trapped energy, but they also remind us of the outsize roles that women played in the Victorian imagination.
Since the days of the czars, when half of Russia's state revenues came from government-controlled vodka sales, the drink has played an outsize role in the nation's life and politics.
Though the party, with fewer than 50,000 registered voters, is one of the smallest in the state, it has played an outsize role in the Senator's career.
Because of his political stature, Mr. Flake's small financial stake in the company took on an outsize role in the controversy surrounding the selection process.