Stanford University, for example, had already announced austerity measures totaling $23 million before the controversy over overhead charges developed.
Because private loans are based on the credit history of the applicant, the overhead charge varies.
Current delays, in many instances, add 15 percent to the price of a home in a development through interest charges, overhead charges and appreciation of property while waiting for approvals.
The Government put 250 of the nation's universities on notice today that overhead charges connected with research grants may be audited.
Additionally, military spending may represent an overhead charge for an economy, allowing a nation to function without fear of invasion.
Which means that, that twenty nine percent isn't far off representing the overhead charge on this organization.
He added that because of the haphazard way in which the government tracked the costs, it was not possible to say how well the figures reflected overhead charges in the entire program.
Apply an overhead charge calculated at 24 cents per dollar of sales at the West Des Moines store and upscale merchandise becomes essential to profitability.
Each step in digestion requires energy, and thus imposes an "overhead charge" on the energy made available from absorbed substances.
If overhead charges are constantly increasing relative to income, any attempt to stabilize or increase income is met with rising prices.