Matter in the manual deals with simple, clear and concise overview, written in simple text with no redundant data, and as such is suitable for beginners and children of school age.
However, overviews summarising their story, written early in the writing process, were 'approved' by both Fox and Joss Whedon (or his office), and the books were therefore later published as official Buffy merchandise.
It begins with an overview of the lifestyles of dragons and giants, followed by short adventures that take place in different locations, written for a wide variety of character levels.
Unlike previous games, which contained historical overviews written by non-professionals, Rzhev '42 comes with a write-up from David Glantz.
The book, for example, contains an overview written by "Jwnody - a student."
A good general overview of the 1930s electrification, written while most of the main line was complete, but work was still ongoing.
These materials are usually short overviews of diseases, conditions, and therapies written for patients, in an easily printable format.
In a historical overview written in early 2009, Kessler summed up the situation bluntly:
Otto Muehl biographical overview and essay about Muehl and the commune Friedrichshof, written by Stefan Beyst, (August 2002)
A full-scale overview of Kozhevnikov's work, written by Soviet literary critic Iosif Grinberg, was published in Moscow in 1972.