Dillwynia laxiflora is a shrub species in the pea family.
The peanut is a tender annual belonging to the pea family.
There are, for example, haemoglobins in the roots of plants of the pea family.
Like other members of the pea family it has phyllodes rather than leaves.
The cytisus, a plant in the pea family, is about to be covered with canary yellow flowers.
The bright yellow flowers have the typical form of the Fabaceae (pea family).
Members of the pea family are easy to distinguish.
This plant is a part of the pea family, Fabaceae.
Dillwynia retorta is the name given to a shrub in the pea family.
Its flowers are so different from its relatives that it is almost unrecognisable as a member of the pea family.