It prepares programmes, syllabi, and pedagogical materials such as handbooks and laboratory manuals.
These language schools, generally open all year round, are equipped with pedagogical material (books, tape recorders, videos, language laboratories, a library, etc.).
The original idea is to apply the free software philosophy to the production of pedagogical materials for e-learning.
Gattegno created pedagogical materials designed to provoke awarenesses.
In 2006, Green School Bara started with the elaboration and production of school books and pedagogical material.
Cornyn's research focused on the description of and preparation of pedagogical materials for Burmese and Russian.
It operated kindergartens, elementary schools, secondary schools, teachers' seminaries, adult education courses, lending libraries and a publishing house that produced pedagogical materials, textbooks and children's periodicals.
There is also a shortage of pedagogical material at schools.
Having taught some of Canada's most illustrious musicians, he was known for his extensive contribution to pedagogical material and for his piano pieces for young performers.
In addition, it will deliver programs, facilitate dialogue, develop pedagogical materials and work with partners worldwide to build capacity to promote indigenous approaches to pluralism within countries and communities.