It also hosts the Unfringed Festival, which is Limerick's only performance festival in spring.
Bridges also co-chairs the content committee for the biannual myth based academic conference and performance festival, Mythic Journeys.
These are intensive performance festivals, which include public performances and master classes.
The second of three free performance festivals, with music dance and storytelling, sponsored by the Brooklyn Center for the Urban Environment.
At the Hartford Camerata Conservatory, all efforts are concentrated on a three-day open house and performance festival.
Theater for the New City's annual summer performance festival known as Dream Up Festival started in 2010.
The Choo Choo Kids often travel to other countries to participate in performance festivals as well.
Mythic Journeys is a performance festival and conference gathering held in Atlanta, Georgia, United States.
Periferic is an international biennial of contemporary art initiated in 1997 as a performance festival by the Romanian artist Matei Bejenaru.
In 2005, Benny launched Initiation International, an annual performance festival in Singapore that has seen the participation of over 20 artists from different countries.