Because passive funds are virtually unmanaged, their performance will mirror the moods and swings of the stock market.
Onstage, the performance mirrored the sequence from the music video, with the appearance of three of Madonna's dancers, dressed as mermen.
The performance of New York State students mirrored the national average, with the average eighth-grade score improving by three points since 1996.
But for all the brilliance of their theory, it was based on an assumption that the future performance of bonds would mirror their past movements.
However the team's performance on the field didn't mirror that of ticket sales and attendance.
Their performances mirrored their outlooks.
The Knicks' performance mirrored that of Crawford, who was ineffective until the final quarter.
But Warrick's performance mirrored that of the Seminoles' offense.
The financial performance mirrored the difficult economic conditions in the industry, the company said.
He had 27 points in the Game 4 loss, but last night's performance mirrored Game 2, when Houston scored 14 points in 33 minutes.