This period - May 16 until July 2 - contained 34 of the 47 days of the term.
After a period of time containing more lows than highs, including a stint in the second division, Counties finally came good during the mid-1990s.
These periods contained approximately equal numbers of cases.
From 1938 to 1944, Michigan posted a 48-11-2 record, although the period lacked a national title and only contained one conference title.
This period contains the lanthanides, also known as the rare earths.
The first period contains fewer elements than any other, with only two, hydrogen and helium.
This period contains the heaviest element which occurs naturally on earth, californium.
However, more recently these works have been re-evaluated and some critics consider this period to contain Jancsó's most important works.
One period might contain three or even four subjects.
This period contains the time of the Holy Alliance, which was a military agreement.