Kolyn periodically suffered from ill health and after his five years in Orange City, he became a professor at Western Theological Seminary.
Periodically suffering further closure threats, they were refurbished in 2005 and are now secure.
Von Trier suffers periodically from depression, as well as various fears and phobias, including an intense fear of flying.
The region periodically suffers from drought.
The area suffers periodically from floods and droughts.
Their advances periodically suffered setbacks due to emotional illogical reasoning.
Soon after his kidnap Tom had gone into a serious depression - he suffered from them periodically.
Singapore periodically suffers from smoke haze caused by forest fires in Indonesia.
A further negative point is the clear lack of condemnation of the bombing raids that Iraq still suffers periodically.
Both at Eastbourne and Oxford he was a noted athlete, although he suffered periodically from unknown health problems.