These costs amount to a permanent increase in the military budget.
But this will, I believe, ensure a permanent increase.
Another belief is that lifting those burdens would create a permanent increase in most Americans' standards of living.
So if there's going to be a permanent increase in investment, what does that do to the debt reduction strategy?
Republicans disputed those figures and argued that the economic growth created by the tax cut would lead to a permanent increase in revenues.
What is needed is a significant permanent increase in the regular Army, through recruitment, without a draft.
A permanent increase in size occurs by gentle stretching over a period of time.
The Army plans to create 10 additional brigades and perhaps even 5 more later, increasing pressure for a permanent increase in the number of soldiers.
Current benefits can be permanently maintained with just a 1.1 percent permanent increase in taxes.
In 1992, there was a permanent 10 percent monthly increase.