Men have always complained that women get overwrought about personal slights or romantic missteps that guys don't even remember.
But personal slights and tiffs with neighbours are not normally adequate reasons for launching a national rebellion.
Behind that vote lay a complex web of threads that included personal slights, political ambitions, moral and religious creeds and even an educational consideration or two.
Belloc and Wells bitterly attacked each other's competence with increasingly personal slights.
They close down the government, hold up flood relief and block ambassadorial nominations over personal slights and petty rivalries.
People hire Presidents to act for them; getting agitated about personal slights interferes with that.
Other times it's due to perceived personal slights, some of which are, paradoxically, only caused by her not warning the team in the first place.
Maggy was very susceptible to personal slights, and very ingenious in inventing them.
The President said peace was not made among friends but between enemies, and required a willingness to put aside historical grievances and personal slights.
After all, the duel took place in a county where politicians to this day are loath to forgive and forget personal slights and political grievances.