The 10:10 campaign aimed to persuade Britain to cut its carbon emissions by 10% in 2010.
A girlfriend would persuade him to cut his hair, help him with his manners.
In 1977, he succeeded in persuading House colleagues to cut foreign aid by 5 percent.
Although the family leave bill was enacted this year, its lobbyists helped to persuade Congress to cut the leaves to half the length originally proposed.
Ken persuaded him to cut the portions he was making for Orton and himself into three.
I'm no good at it, but over the telephone, I persuaded them to cut our rate, including taxes, to $915.
He tries persuading him to cut a deal.
She persuaded him to cut school with her.
Remember, it wouldn't take much to persuade me to cut your throat.
A few smokers said the measure might persuade them to cut back or quit.