Trolleybus - A bus that gets its energy from electric cables above the street, not from petroleum fuel.
Crude oil is not necessary for the production of petroleum fuels, although it does make it a little easier.
Explosives usually have less potential energy than petroleum fuels, but their high rate of energy release produces the great blast pressure.
Substituting for petroleum fuels other liquids made from biomass or wastes (pp.
It also calls for new taxes on petroleum fuels.
Early internal combustion engines were quite successful running on gaseous and light petroleum fuels.
But notions that the technology has the potential to reduce transportation's dependency on petroleum fuels are rife with caveats.
Wood gas generators have a number of advantages over use of petroleum fuels:
Why are we shutting down sugar production when we desperately need to find alternatives to petroleum fuels?
Only petroleum fuel and lubricants are utilized for the machinery.