Although edible, it could be confused with some poisonous species of similar colouration and size.
Most mycologists recommend against eating this mushroom because it is easy to mistake for poisonous species.
The poisonous species were efficient competitors and gradually became overwhelmingly dominant.
Among the small number of poisonous species, the Stoicheio are the most venomous.
Most mycologists recommend against eating this mushroom because it is difficult to distinguish from poisonous species.
One simple way of spotting a poisonous species is to look at the shape of the head.
There are a few poisonous species which can be mistaken for M. procera.
They sound a poisonous and deadly species, but still a species which, like all others, must be preserved.
This has particular importance due to the disproportionately high number of deadly poisonous species contained within that family.
The phenomenon can be understood by imagining two poisonous species that do not resemble one another and are also prey to a common predator.