Mr. McCall has one of the strongest political resumes in the state.
Mr. Menendez, 51, has an impressive political résumé.
Mr. Schwarzenegger, the 54-year-old actor responsible for more than 500 on-screen deaths (according to a Web site that tabulates such things), has begun building a political résumé.
"It's nothing that they are going to put on their political resumes."
Unfortunately, his chances of reaching that kind of status are reduced by one great flaw in his political résumé - his out-of-control campaign spending.
Yet few have run on a thinner political résumé.
Beyond that, the candidates are worlds apart in backgrounds, careers, campaign styles, political résumés and personalities.
Mr. Zeng, 66, has a very different political résumé.
His political résumé is short: the current Senate term he is completing is his first public office.
"History was made tonight because long political resumes and mudslinging - Republicans said we don't want that," Mr. Bush declared.