The entire Swiss population is generally well educated.
Over 95% population were educated and 80% youth holding their master degrees.
It is about 110 km from Srinagar and its population is very highly educated.
Though disadvantaged in consumer gadgetry, their populations are well educated and healthy.
In general, the Swiss population is well educated.
Around 76% of Obri's population is educated in which half of them have graduate level education.
The population of Mehrabpur is well educated due to best Educational institutions.
The population in this area is well educated, 46% of the total population aged 15 and over had post-secondary education.
For example, the population is very well educated: 88% of 20 to 24-year-olds have at least attended higher education.
Over 80% population is educated and this village boasts of people of high rank in military, police, engineer, doctors, teachers.