The presentation of that election as a popular referendum prevented a new populist attack on the Unionist government.
Several people in the group said Mr. Gore's populist attacks on "big drug companies" struck a chord with them.
Mr. Clinton gave a rhetorical nod to the growing chorus of Democrats who want to see a more populist attack on corporations.
This half-century-old melodrama about populist attacks on evolution might itself be consigned fossil status but for the current events of 2007.
His populist attacks on the trade unions, intellectuals, protesters and the press won him a large following.
His populist attacks on Britain and Turkey have become a bit desperate however.
Since 1968, Republicans have dominated national politics by wooing the middle class with populist attacks on inflation, social programs and so-called "big government."
What most energized Mrs. Clinton's speech were her populist attacks.
I think that the temptation to use the EU for a populist attack on the Lib Dems will prove overwhelming.
THESE days, there is another huge chain store that finds itself under populist attack: Wal-Mart.