As this is just going to kill potentially thousands of innocent animals for the sake of enjoyment.
Thus, he cannot risk wielding the Monado again, as prolonged exposure to the weapon could potentially kill him.
He only just succeeded in deflecting a potentially killing blow to a glancing one instead.
The plan was to blow up as many as 12 jets within a few days in January 1995, potentially killing thousands of people.
Injured axons in the brain's white matter may separate from their cell bodies as a result of secondary injury, potentially killing those neurons.
These altered conditions can stress and potentially kill both migratory and local non-migratory organisms in the river.
In the first season it was the "green meteor rocks" (kryptonite) that would weaken and potentially kill him.
If the scrolling is limited to a forward direction only, players can potentially kill each other.
Not taking the pill might mean allowing an infection to spread; taking the antibiotic will potentially kill the microbe but comes with risk.
The sound intensity of large, high performance rockets could potentially kill at close range.