Each issue is focused upon a particular aspect of poverty law and policy.
Training Many areas of poverty law are highly specialized.
Some were celebrities in poverty law with landmark briefs to their names.
When she stepped down, she had time to notice what was happening to the field of poverty law.
Over the next ten years, he taught constitutional law, civil liberties and poverty law.
He sees attorneys new to poverty law leave all the time because they can't afford the salary with their law school debt.
It's past time for President Bush to appoint a slate of directors committed to poverty law.
As well, he is the author of many peer reviewed articles on constitutional law, civil liberties and poverty law.
"This fight is about the whole future of Legal Services and the future of poverty law," she said.
Others argue that the problem is society's, not the legal profession's, and that public funding for poverty law is the only just method.