It is one of the most powerful Self-propelled artillery on a wheeled chassis.
It had the most powerful artillery of the era.
The Austrian Korps had also deployed its powerful artillery of 68 pieces.
Yet we had a powerful artillery, and our engineers were of the best.
Even so, this was not sufficient to bring the castle up to the standard of contemporary military fortifications which were designed to withstand powerful artillery.
Fort Fisher was further overhauled with more powerful artillery which had been provided from Charleston.
The adoption of ironclads and increasingly powerful naval artillery vastly increased the risk to boarding parties.
In a defensive fight, with his powerful artillery to back up his numbers, he might yet be very rough indeed.
It's the advantage given them by their great numbers and powerful artillery.
Count Zrinsky found himself besieged by a hostile army of at least 150,000 soldiers with powerful artillery.