This is a pragmatic decision as the resources are usually available to bring them home quickly.
This was not out of a deep concern for those they led, it was a purely pragmatic decision.
However, as a first-time filmmaker I had some key pragmatic decisions facing me.
He said the association had made a pragmatic decision in declining to renegotiate its 1992 salary increase.
Progress was slow and by 1879 pragmatic decisions needed to be made to create a working place of worship.
"But it was a practical, pragmatic decision by many in business who felt that some health care bill was inevitable."
It was a pragmatic decision born out of hard economic times," he said in an interview.
This is the real world, where pragmatic decisions have to be taken.
I personally have looked at Miranda as a pragmatic decision intended to protect a right.
With no clear winner a pragmatic decision has been made.