A predator species, especially a flying one, needed a large hunting range to feed itself adequately.
This doesn't seem likely given that there were previously a larger number of immature predator species.
The bird loss was especially high to these now well-emplaced predator species.
Once their prey became extinct for whatever reason, it is widely thought, many of the predator species vanished as well.
Fish that school in large numbers can draw the attentions of many different predator species.
He did know that other animals had mental powers, and that many of these were predator species.
There are but three predator species on this world.
The predator species studied here are described in the Appendix.
This can be demonstrated by correlations within and between the samples from some of the predator species (Table 3.4).
Thishypothetical predator species must have already developed star travel by the time you took over.