I found Sanford unusually boring, even by his previous high standards.
And, if they get to university to do something useful, there is too often a remedial course to bring their education up to previous standards.
The bad performance of Tomasson came at a time, where the entire team also played a season below their previous standard.
We took vast numbers, by previous standards, and put them in a different way.
The difference from the previous standard can be explained thus:
It had no previous standard, but considered the treatment of such rights on a case-by-case basis.
This, is could be argued, was the cause of the gig never quite living up to previous high standards.
The previous standards written 25 years ago allowed for many exceptions and applied to fewer than 5,000 operations.
And this year's scene, by all previous standards, was unmatched.
Pettiness or no, this time the food was up to previous standards.