The price we sell that at is quite low.
In February 2011, the average price of homes actually sold was $131,500.
The price began to fall in the early 1980's, and by 1986 oil was selling for $8 or $9 a barrel.
Farmers watch the prices for the crops they produce and try to sell at the best time.
The study examined prices for more than 234,000 homes sold between 1980 and 2000 in 34 of the city's 59 community districts.
But with options and lot premiums, the average price for the 31 homes sold since sales began a year ago has been $563,000.
If others feel they can cut prices to sell more oil, we will not give up our share," the official said.
At what price did you sell your apples last year?
In 2005, the average price on the 43 properties sold was $690,000.
The price of most game sold at retail in the area runs about $4 a pound.