We get privileged glimpses of regrets, hard-earned wisdom and eruptions of primal feelings.
At the final moment, tears of sheer, primal feeling had glistened in their corners.
But Joseph's romantically primal feeling for the countryside has been won at the cost of his emotional well-being and his full membership in the human community.
It helps to have some primal feeling for poker, but isn't really necessary.
The resulting novel is "a poignant piece of truth-telling about the most primal feelings," Rosemary Daniell said in these pages in 1990.
The art of children can give horrific events a beguiling, comedic air while also revealing primal feelings with inspired intensity.
What other sport has all these elements or evokes so intensely such primal feelings of tribal competition?
But almost all the primal feelings pent up in the film are expressed through Mr. Cruise.
The punch line of her article was, "I just could not shake an almost primal feeling.
"We found that the primal feelings that are triggered in stepwives' relationships are territory issues," Ms. Oxhorn-Ringwood said.