One example, is the theory of the Ogdoad, or the "primordial forces", from which all was formed.
In the most general sense, waves are the "original primordial force," Casey says.
Thanks for the reminder that its enduring appeal is recreational and esthetic, a search for connection with the primordial forces of the ocean.
The basic elements of nature, water, air, fire, earth, which the first Greek philosophers believed that composed the world, represent in fact the mythical primordial forces.
One theory is that the Red Death was once a female "darklord", like the ones in Ravenloft, who transcended into a more primordial evil force.
The Middle Umbra is more akin to a shamanistic spirit world, and is dominated by primordial forces.
She is worshipped by Native Hawaiians, especially by women, as a primordial force of creation who has the power to give life and to heal.
He seemed to radiate an aura of primordial force which made every foe apprehensive.
As Palumbi explains, scientists now recognize that evolution is not some primordial force that disappeared with the dinosaurs.
Like other primal entities (such as the earth and time), Tartarus is also a primordial force or deity.