He took the key from Hubert, shut the steel door, and proceeded to join his guests who had gone back to the living room.
Enitan proceeds to join a group of women in the fight against the government for women's rights during her pregnancy.
Good left Lancashire at the end of the 1976 season and proceeded to join Cheshire.
And so I lost sight of the darlings and proceeded to join my regiment.
Normally these branch line trains terminate here rather than proceeding to join the main line.
At one point, they are even criticized by Simon Cowell, but he relents and proceeds to join them.
She waited a few minutes observing them, and then proceeded to join her spouse with no very amiable sentiments.
Draal then proceeded to join with the machine as Varn's replacement.
Aziz proceeded to join the civil service of the state of Pakistan in 1950.
He then proceeded to join Moten's band himself in 1931, staying on until 1934.