There are certainly other luxuries that individual craftsmen can enjoy that are not available to a production workshop.
Goals of his presidency included the expansion of the local production workshops and the development of the Corporation on the road to economic independence.
Nevertheless, to meet the requirement of new rolling stock, three new production workshops were set up.
He studied film, and production workshops in Colombia and Argentina, where collaborated with film projects.
After 37 years, I think I need a rest from a production workshop that I've been commanding these many years.
Teaching emphasizes the growing focus on convergence; production workshops are delivered in seven newsrooms with integral broadcast studios.
The institute is equipped with 17 laboratories, 14 laboratories, and the courtyard manages the enterprise and the production workshop.
It is both a production workshop and a showcase of young directors presenting their first feature films.
On 2 September 1939, the Luftwaffe damaged the railway, along with some production workshops.
The specially designed production workshop has a paint spray room, welding bays, and large scenery painting workshops.