A firm is said to be making a normal profit when its economic profit equals zero.
In its last fiscal year, its after-tax profit equaled 39.4 percent of revenue.
Its profit in the first nine months of this year - $25.42 billion - already equals its full-year earnings for 2004.
As stated earlier, the profits from delivered and non-delivered mail must equal the upstream fixed cost in a breakeven post.
Total profit equals profit per unit times quantity sold.
In 2010, the firm grossed $129 million in revenue, with profits per partner equalling $655,000.
So the firm's profit equals fixed costs or FC.
"You know, Profit plus more profit equals temporary insanity for a desperate criminal?"
This pricing scheme eliminates any positive economic profits since price equals average cost.
The profit on this alone equalled the whole of the company dividend that year.