Even though he was licensed to carry the gun, New York State Education Law prohibits guns on the premises while votes are being counted.
In some states, business owners have been documented posting signs that appear to prohibit guns, but legally do not because the signs do not meet local or state laws defining required appearance, placement, or wording of signage.
But in passing the law last spring, the Legislature also struck down a 1893 law that prohibited carrying guns in public.
He said the attention the local ban focused on gun control could encourage lawmakers to act on pending bills that would expand a state law prohibiting guns on school property.
The new bill also eliminates the general definition of an assault firearm, which would have enabled the Attorney General to prohibit new guns if they fit the description.
At first glance, it is hard to see how the law could be made more strict, aside from prohibiting guns for everyone except the police and the armed forces, or mandating that they must remain locked inside specified areas like licensed gun clubs.
He endorsed amendments to city laws requiring gun owners to use trigger locks and prohibiting guns within a thousand feet of schools.
Hilder who ruled that the University of Utah could prohibit guns on its campus.
Even though he was licensed to carry the gun, state law prohibits guns on school premises while votes are being counted.
Thus in 1995 the court said that Congress could not prohibit guns in or near elementary and secondary schools, because this usurped local authority to make decisions about what activity should be made criminal.