The two projects exemplify Nashville's transformation from a slightly sleepy, always quirky town into a striving city whose sophistication increasingly matches its ambitions.
Three specific projects described in detail exemplify the ways in which writing in role can be encouraged.
The project exemplified Charvériat's use of present-day technology into his art.
That project exemplifies how Washington fosters oil investment.
This project nurtured the creative spirit in all Regina residents and exemplified the benefits of creating partnerships between the arts and other sectors.
The project, he said, exemplifies Emeryville's transition from industry to housing, shopping and entertainment.
Some critics note that Stan's Cafe's projects exemplify "the subtle hybridity of recent British postmodern performance."
This project exemplified the idea that a social sculpture was defined as interdisciplinary and participatory.
He said the project exemplified the kind of mixed-use development Long Island needs.
But while his project exemplifies the tradition's possibilities, it also reveals its limits.