Concern about a fair election has prompted both South Korean and foreign groups to form observer teams, most of them sympathetic to the opposition.
This prompted anti-abortion groups to mount a "de-pledge" campaign to deny donations to the local United Way.
According to Billman, the current explanation for the apparent cannibalism was that drought struck the region, prompting groups to move and seek food.
A league spokesman said Friday that the flag amounts to a political statement, which could prompt other groups to demand equal treatment.
The decision has prompted schools and charitable groups around the country to re-evaluate their relationship with the Boy Scouts of America.
That prompted outdoors groups to begin their campaign, Ours, to preserve the stream-access law.
I am keen to hear the reasons that are prompting certain political groups to oppose this discussion.
This could prompt some leftist, nationalist, or separatist groups to adopt terrorist methods to attackU.
A strong international Internet presence prompted numerous left-wing international groups to support the Zapatista movement.