The coalition's proposal also recommends an independent commission to select sites for the homeless and a public works jobs program for them.
Last year's proposal by the Interior Department recommended that core calving areas be avoided in the oil development process.
The proposal also recommends setting up some criteria by which teachers are reviewed every year by officials in their district.
The 2000 proposals recommended that wound management address the identifiable impediments to healing in order to achieve more successful outcomes.
One proposal, for example, recommended that the control room be evacuated to save power to deal with an emergency.
The proposal also recommends lighter rolling stock than the type used in lines 2 and 3, which shall operate fully automatically without a driver.
This proposal recommends that any securities activity of a bank be conducted in a separate subsidiary of its parent holding company.
Other proposals recommend abolishing the market, as well.
The proposal also recommends that students at both levels demonstrate skills in written and oral communications, quantitative analysis and computer usage.
Recent proposals have recommended that Anderson Powerpoles should be used for electrical connections.