Ackbar looked over toward where Airen Cracken sat on the prosecution side of the court.
The lineup in the second Miranda case was the same with the exception of Justice Kennedy, who voted on the prosecution side.
The court eventually imposed a symbolic 30€ suspended fine, which has generally been interpreted as a defeat for the prosecution side.
"We had to get something from the prosecution side," Mr. Kelley said.
A justice of the peace, he was involved on the prosecution side of the 1605 Gunpowder Plot.
Quite a lot of women, on the prosecution side.
Two witnesses from the prosecution side claimed that he was guilty.
Haller's discomfort with representing the guilty is a constant theme in the series, and he has twice attempted to move to the prosecution side.
Bruce Jacob has served on both the defense and the prosecution side of criminal justice.
In the second instance, Justice Wesley took the prosecution side in a criminal case, admitting a 911 tape as evidence.