Referring to the role of wetlands in protecting larger waterways, the court said that activity in wetlands abutting open waterways could be controlled by the corps.
Because of the moonlike terrain it left behind, strip mining become so controversial that it led to Federal regulations intended to protect the land and waterways.
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has helped to introduce Keeper Springs' Mountain Spring water, with the proceeds intended to protect waterways.
Supporters of the plan had said it was necessary to preserve the area's scenic beauty and protect neighborhoods and waterways from runoff.
In December of 1988 a Judge of the High Court surprisingly ruled that the simplified and common sense rule which protects the footpaths of the country did not protect waterways.
March 15th: Indiana adopted anti-degradation standards, an important part of the Clean Water Act meant to protect waterways from unnecessary pollution while at the same time promoting important social and economic development.
That has obliged Canada to begin planning security measures to protect waterways from smugglers and to prepare for the possibility of accidents and oil spills.
Living mulches can reduce water runoff and erosion, and protect waterways from pollution.
After signing a bill to protect waterways, he dove, fully clothed, into the Charles River.
Her duty was to protect the South Carolina coast, harbors, inlets, and waterways from invasions and raids.