To her that means providing more appellate judges.
Even when life tenure was explained as providing judges with independence from political pressures, only 35 percent favored it.
In addition, GSW provides judges for science fairs in the Washington area and gives awards to the best earth science projects.
Third, the intelligible principle must provide judges with a measuring stick for judicial review.
This NIJ Report provides judges and probation officers with basic information about batterer treatment program goals and methods.
Judge Richard L. Nygaard said the Supreme Court's past rulings about holiday displays had provided judges with "insufficient and inconsistent" guidance.
To do this, we must provide judges with greater discretion in determining which defendants should be placed in alternative sentencing and treatment programs.
If there are contests the arena director is ultimately responsible for providing judges, though he often has another assistant who is the head judge.
He said that his colleagues had been willing to do so because of the expectation that the Senate would provide new judges, but circumstances had brought only discouragement.
State legislatures and appellate courts struggled to provide judges and juries with sensible and objective guidelines for determining who should live and who should die.