It has been moved from its original position and placed in the town centre on top of a large standing stone, which was quarried locally.
It is quarried locally at numerous sites and has provided the principal building material for most of the older houses in the village.
The schist that makes up its walls was quarried locally.
Many of the older buildings in the village were built from elvan stone, quarried locally until the 1920s.
Materials for the road were quarried locally and there are a number of quarrying sites along it.
Traditional buildings/walls in the area are constructed of locally quarried yellow sandstone.
The limestone used in its construction was quarried locally.
The stone, quarried locally, is smooth cut into blocks that are held together only by the force of compression.
The stone was quarried locally and the building was built by hand for $1,300.
The stone was quarried locally from the immediate area of the fortress.