So far there have been few questions aimed at actually gaining factual information.
In the morning, we had to answer 700 questions aimed at assessing our character and inner resources.
There were also questions aimed at establishing if I understood and could resist the temptations the job might lay before me.
A public survey is a list of questions aimed at extracting specific data from a particular group of people.
One of the questions aimed at me was, 'How did you come to adopt him?'
Lan simply refused to acknowledge all such questions aimed at him.
The question, aimed at those around him, met with no response.
It was a general question, aimed at whoever might be in a position to answer.
More than half of the questionnaire was devoted to questions aimed at understanding the psychological and sociological mechanisms in risk taking.
In the vertical dimension, the teacher would provide and order questions aimed at the development of understanding ideas (not for covering predetermined ground).