Since the 1940s, it has often been considered a loaded term because of its use in opposition to federally mandated racial desegregation.
Barbara Bosan, a mother of six, has heard all the arguments supporting busing school children for racial desegregation.
His southern heritage also helped to obtain interviews with people who had fought racial desegregation.
He ordered the school district to raise its tax rate to pay for long-deferred racial desegregation.
Then, those who promoted racial desegregation were accused of 'inappropriate or offensive' views.
In 1963, before racial desegregation occurred, the facility housed white second offenders.
However, it took political action most often supported by Jewish crime groups for racial desegregation to occur.
However, the program focuses on economic desegregation instead of racial desegregation.
In 1963, before racial desegregation occurred, the facility housed first offender African Americans.
Many of the early plans, like that in Cambridge, Mass., were established to promote voluntary racial desegregation.