Schroen recalled Massoud's response as "You guys are crazy-you haven't changed a bit."
"I never doubted that," he recalled the Secretary's smiling response.
She recalled his response: "Get a glass of wine, go to a ribbon store and go crazy."
Someone asked me what was I ranked," Williams said, recalling her response: "Oh you know, pretty low now.
They recalled his response as "quite emotional".
She flushed again, recalling her response to his lingering touch.
He recalled Thelia mentioning it in passing, and his own skeptical response.
He recalled my response and shared it with the audience - Stop doing things and start undoing them.
"I was in the biggest dog box," she said, recalling Erika's crestfallen response.
"The first day, there was a storm of protest," MacPhail said, recalling the city's response.